Over the last year I have been asked by many as to the importance of
traditional media compared to social media and social networks.
Which is bigger, better and more important? The answer is...
Some favor one over the other, but the best strategy is to use both to take advantage of every tool and resource available. With some sticking to traditional media, press releases and wire services, and others believing all you need is a Tweet or two and a
Facebook post, the truth is those beleiving in only using one or the other are wrong. By using only one or the other you are potentially missing out on audience(s) and market penetration, and this could lead to a lower market share, customer or user base, sales and revenue stream.
With public relations and media what counts most is results. With the
new age of social media making big moves in the digital world of today, along with the strength of traditional media, press releases, wire services and good old fashioned distribution, the best strategy really is to use
both. Once you have determined company goals and objectives, as you build the marketing and PR plan, implement the tools that will be most beneficial for your client. For each campaign and project you should use a combination of both traditional and social media, using every aspect of PR tools and services online and offline. In some cases you may determine that traditional is more important than social media or vice versa, but with many using both will be the most effective way of meeting goals and increasing market share and revenue. Using all available resources and tools increases the chance of success and quantifiable results.
When it comes to traditional and social media they are
all important and should all be included, and by prioritizing the list with main focus given to your top key targets you can take advantage of both traditional and social media.
Traditional media includes: print, daily and broadcast such as
Wall Street Journal,
Associated Press,
NBC News, etc.
Social Media includes:
blogs and bloggers, online news,
podcasts and use of social media and social networks such as
Mashable, Facebook,
Digg, and more.
Don't become a creature of habit and ignore either the new or the old traditional ways, as both can be very effective and when it comes to getting results and success, embrace
every possible way of meeting your clients goals and objectives.