Friday, November 25, 2011

A Little Holiday Humor - How To Avoid Family, Friends or Others You DON'T Want To Be With

Ok, this is a fun post to give everyone a little humor and some laughs for the holiday weekend.

First, to those of you reading this at work or while working, step away from the computer, go home and have fun, it is a holiday weekend!

Second, to those of you who are dreading the family get togethers with those annoying Cousin Eddie type relatives, here are a few tips on how to avoid them and having to spend time with them during the holidays.

1. A sudden case of the Ebola Virus or Death will get you out of having to see them! The only problem with a sudden case of Death is, you can only use that one once.
2. Work Emergency, they had to call you in for the weekend to fix a major problem, so can't hang with you, sorry!
3. Fake a kidnapping, you and the kids, your wife or hubby, have been taken, kidnapped by some militant group and can't be found! (unless they check your weekend getaway place that is!) There is one big flaw to this one, you will have those unwanted family along with police and FBI searching for you, and will have a lot of explaining to do once you are 'found', so this is a last ditch idea to avoid the Cousin Eddie's in your life.
4. Abducted by Aliens, this is especially effective if you reside in New Mexico, Nevada or Arizona! and you have to see this story - (is this for real?)
5. Very bad case of diarrhea! Believe me this one is great as No One wants to hang with someone that has bad diarrhea! But, don't use this one too much or they may call your bluff and come over to try and help you!

Use these tips wisely to help you avoid the unavoidable family, friends and coworkers you would rather have diarrhea or the Ebola Virus than be with!

Happy Holidays Everyone!

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